Eartha Kitt

I used to listen to Eartha Kitt when I was growing up. At the time it was difficult to compare to my favorites like Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly. But I did think she was the sexiest woman I had ever heard.  I'm not so sure I really knew about sexy back in those days, but looking back over her performances I still think she is one of the sexiest women I have ever heard. Her voice just drips sexy. My father as I recall hated to hear her, but then he also hated Johnny Ray, Ella Fitzgerald and Sarah Vaughan. His tastes seem to stay in the classical music arena. Enough about him, as I grew up I began to appreciate Ms Kitt more and more. I always have hated the fact that ones convictions can cause harm to your career in the American court of public opinion. Just remember Muhamad Ali and Paul Robeson.
Eartha created her uproar when In 1968, during the administration of US President Lyndon B. Johnson, she made anti-war statements during a White House luncheon. Ertha Kitt was invited to the White House luncheon and was asked by Lady Bird Johnson about the Vietnam War. She replied:
"You send the best of this country off to be shot and maimed. No wonder the kids rebel and take pot."
During a question and answer session, Kitt stated:
The children of America are not rebelling for no reason. They are not hippies for no reason at all. We don’t have what we have on Sunset Blvd. for no reason. They are rebelling against something. There are so many things burning the people of this country, particularly mothers. They feel they are going to raise sons—and I know what it’s like, and you have children of your own, Mrs. Johnson—we raise children and send them to war.
Her remarks reportedly caused Mrs. Johnson to burst into tears and led to a derailment in Kitt's career. The public reaction to Kitt's statements was extreme, both pro and con. Publicly ostracized in the US, she devoted her energies to performances in Europe and Asia.

We need more people like Eartha Kitt around even more today.
So here we have some of my favorite songs by the one and only Eartha Kitt.

C'est Si Bon

Live Kaskad 1962

I Want To Be Evil

Live Kaskad 1962

My Heart Belongs To Daddy

Nat King Cole TV show, 1957

Just an Old Fashioned Girl

Live Kaskad 1962

An Englishman Needs Time

Live Kaskad 1962

Kaskad was a Swedish TV show. They were awarded The Golden Rose of Montreux in 1962.

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