Lisa Lövbrand

Lisa Lövbrand is a Swedish singer/actress from Dorotea (Sweden) but now spending her days in Los Angeles. She has a delectable set of pipes, and can sing pop or jazz with flair.  Plus she is beautiful.  So kick back and enjoy the wonderful sounds of Lisa Lövbrand.

Track number two from her most recent album, Let Me Love You.

Ain't Givin 'Up

No information given about where this was taken, just that they used a flip-phone and it was in June of 2011. But a really cool intimate performance.
Funny Valentine

One more from the same venue.

Lisa covers Katy Perry and Elvis Presley, as well as being interviewed (På svenska). But it's worth listening too for her glorious pipes.
Lisa Lövbrand är sångerska, låtskrivare och musikproducent. Hon har även spelat med i flera filmer, bl a den kvinnliga huvudrollen i filmen Attack Force mot actionhjälten Steven Seagal. Förra året släpptes hennes debutalbum, Embraceable, som hon producerat själv. Lisa Lövbrand gör japansk succé så stor att hon nu får ge ut en ny skiva med musik av en av Japans mest populära sångare och musiker, Keisuke Kuwata. I programmet varvas en intervju med liveframträdande där Lisa backas upp av gitarristen Mattias Torell under HLDagen i september 2010.

Which roughly translated says that she played the female lead to Steven Seagal in Attack Force. She is also a huge artist in Japan, and she did issue a new disc of music by one of Japan's most popular singers and musicians, Keisuke Kuwata. The program interspersed an interview with live performance in which Lisa is backed by guitarist Mattias Torell during HLDagen in September 2010.

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