
Sauna play Klezmer/ Reverb Soaked Noise Pop according to them. I feel it falls under "good time psycho surf rockabilly" with a touch of the B52's.
Sauna are:
CJ: guitar/being sad
Ethan: bass/whining about girls
Sammi: drums/yelling
Molly: vocals/shaking shit

And I say look out for them, with one right break/song they could turn the music world on it's ears. They are exciting and butt kicking and fun. Kick back and enjoy the shit out of them.

Sauna perform "??" at the Hi-Dive in Denver on December 17, 2011

Here's another song from Sauna, again unknown title.
Thanks to Piehole2000 who uploaded this fine footage, even though he missed the song titles.

Check out more of their rad shit here:

And of course the teen angst tape.

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