The March wind doth blow and we shall have snow and what will baby do then poor thing. Fugedaboutit!! It's California and we have a little rain, but it will be sunny and in the 70's by the weekend.
What's that got to do with Simian Ghost? Not a damn thing. Just a passing fancy for the first day of March.
Simian Ghost are Sebastian Arnström, Erik Klinga and Mathias Zachrisson. They hail from Stockholm Sweden, and are yet further proof that most of the good pop in the world is coming from Sweden nowadays. So kick back, forget about the weather and enjoy the great sounds of Simian Ghost.
Wolf GirlTaken from the upcoming album "Youth" - Release on March 19th 2012!
Director Mattias Andersson
Produced by Bautafilm / Lampray
Cinematography Linus Andersson
1st AC Martin Gärdemalm
2nd AC Elias Bergkvist
Make up & costume Jana Bringlöv
Set design Lina Hofverberg, Tage Hervén
Vfx Daniel Danielsson
Production assistant Zandra Ottosson
Actors Ebba Zingmark Leopold Nilsson
Here's the title track from the album.
And here is the second single.
Curtain Call
“Swedish troupe Simian Ghost are the intelligent pop brainchild of gifted songwriter Sebastian Arnström. Simian Ghost reflect a change of musical direction and mood for the Swedish musician who also has a background in visual art and production. At first a solo project, Sebastian’s debut album under this moniker, Infinite Traffic Everywhere, was released on Playground Music in Sweden during the winter of 2010 to great enthusiasm and critical acclaim. It topped the critics chart in their home country and was voted record of the year by the readers at In 2011 Simian Ghost became a full time project, and shortly after the release of this debut, a live trio with Sebastian’s little brother Erik Klinga and his high school friend Mathias Zachrisson joining the band. This trio, tight musically and personally, spent the early part of the year touring Sweden and sharing stages with the likes of Mount Kimbie, SBTRKT and Niki and the Dove amongst others."