Chordslinger n Lola

Now here's another band/duo that are new to me, Chordslinger n Lola.
ChordSlinger n Lola found each other on an internet music site called TheSixtyOne. They talked and both agreed that Lola's ambient voice and ChordSlinger's ambient style at that time were a good match. In November of 2009, they wrote their first song which was called "Stop This War". They quickly gained a following on the site and found the fan base growing. Lola developed a role as the vocalist who writes the harmonies, does some rearranging, and helps with lyrics. ChordSlinger became the song writer and instrumentalist, and singing on very rare occasions. They are part of a new breed of indie music that has been spawned by the internet. They send files across cyberspace to produce music. This is the wave of the future. Musicians can pick their musical partners from all over the globe and get good matches for their styles and this was a good one.
Now for me this ambient style is just right, I'm really digging this.
A beautiful female voice with some amazing guitar chops.
See what you think, check out some of their tunes.

Your Destiny 
 This Chordslinger n Lola song was inspired by the recent socioeconomic conflicts in Lola de Hanna's country, Greece, which are reflective of worldwide trends of corruption and inequality; affecting those who love their homelands making them face a difficult choice: stay and fall apart or leave and give up what they love...
music and lyrics by Chordslinger n Lola
directed by Janet Lawrence
art on the wall in the music building by Roo

Who We AreThis was Chordslinger n Lola's first video back in 2010 and beautiful it is.

Not much of a video, but still that beautiful voice.
Look at Me

Again the video is sparse, but almost conjures up Santana meets Dolores O'Riordan, amazing song.
Do You Need A Reason

5 Bears

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